His Eternal Promise – out soon #WIPITUP Wednesday

This is my first attempt at a blog hop, so I hope I get it right.  I signed a contract on my second book, His Eternal Promise,  with Blushing Books.  I don’t have a release date, but thought I’d go ahead and share a little excerpt.




With her mind, and body, screaming in protest, she watched him leave.  Though she knew it was for the best.  Attempting to make sense out of something that made no sense was futile to say the least.  The coffee pot beeped, dragging her from her reflections.  Getting a cup, she poured some and headed to the couch when she heard her phone buzz from the pile of her purse contents still splayed out on the floor near the front door.

Picking it up, she saw numerous missed calls and texts from Lana.  Taking a seat, she put her cup on the coffee table and started to text her back when her phone lit up with an incoming call.  Not certain that she wanted to talk to anyone at the moment, but grateful to have the friends she did, she answered.  “Lana, I’m so sorry.”

“You should be.  That was really shitty.”  Lana’s angry voice interrupted.  “Last night was the first time either Jane or I have been able to get you out, and all I asked when we said good night, was for you to text me when you got home.  A text.  Takes what…about fifteen seconds.”

Upsetting her friend hadn’t been her intention.  Of course, Lana had no way of knowing what occurred since they parted ways.  If she did, it would be justified.  Carlee hadn’t had a moment to comprehend it herself, so how could she discuss it.

The accusatory voice continued.  “We have been there for you, and we always will be, but it’s time for you to get your head out of your ass.”

The only solution, to tell her friend and prove that she wasn’t taking her concern for granted.  “I was with someone and as wrong as it is, it slipped my mind.”

Squealing, Lana asked what Carlee knew would be her very first question.  “A man?  Was it the man from the pub that bought you the drink?”

“No.  No.  Not him.”  Crap.  She shouldn’t have answered the phone.  Maybe she should have gone along with it being the guy from the pub.  How did she explain it was a dark, incredibly sexy stranger she ran into on her walk home?  Her mind went haywire.  Online dating.  “It’s someone I have been in contact with online.”

The shock and surprise of this admission was immediate and obvious.  “What?  You have been doing the online dating thing?  Why?”

“Because it was easy.  I could do it from the privacy and comfort of my own home.  And, I didn’t know if I wanted to start dating again.  Online dating seemed a good way to get my feet wet.”

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